Friday, March 9, 2012

Temperament of Doberman Dog

As we heard the Doberman has been bred for their aggressiveness, but in the 21st century, there are many collectors out there bandit country in need of protection, which often face the end of a gun, and in these circumstances also the exceptional quality of Doberman is not that much protection. Committed Doberman breeders were forced to produce puppies doberman with a gentle temperament. They were used as working dogs in a variety of areas that also make excellent therapy dog.

Each dog must be in accordance with the "ideal" and the Doberman is safe, stable and free of fear, but when the Doberman is a breed of dog shows, and then are penalized for showing traces of aggression or timidity .

There is emphasis on early socialization training doberman, without destroying their loyalty determines the temperament, attentive and fierce energy for your protection. The Doberman is a dog for the inexperienced or faint of heart, they need to interact with people. They need things to occupy their curious minds, not be left for a long time or may be destructive. This is one of the many reasons why you should consider whether a Doberman is the right dog for you and your family, buy a Doberman puppy is a big responsibility.

Even if a Doberman is generally a dominant breed, individual dogs vary widely Doberman. Even if they respond best when each family member knows how to handle them will dominate as a human being, if allowed.

Although considered working dogs, doberman pinscher are often stereotyped as vicious and aggressive. As a personal protection dog, the Doberman was originally bred for traits that would be big and intimidating, fearless and willing to defend their owner, but obedient and sober enough to do so only in the command. These features serve the dog and in its role as a defense dog, police dog, or war, but were not ideal for a paper company. In recent decades, the size of the Doberman Pinscher with short hair, and intelligence is a desirable house dog. His aggression was tempered by modern breeders in recent years, and the Doberman is known today to a more balanced temperament and good character, great loyalty, intelligence and trainability.

You can learn to "respect and protect" their owners, and are considered excellent guard dogs to protect their loved ones. They are generally friendly to humans and other dogs can be. However, the degree of the rays of the Doberman more likely to display aggressive behavior towards strangers and other dogs, but not among those most likely to do so. They are unlikely to display aggressive behavior towards their owners.

There is evidence that Dobermans in North America have a quieter temperament and more uniform than their European counterparts due to the building strategy used by U.S. farmers. Because of these differences in reproductive strategies, several lines of Doberman developed different characteristics. Although many contemporary Doberman Pinschers in North America are gentle and friendly with strangers, some lines are created more faithful to the original model of personality.

Although the stereotype of aggression is less true today, Doberman Pinscher personality is unique. There is a large body of scientific evidence that Doberman is a stable number of psychological traits, such as certain personality factors and intelligence. In 1965, studies have shown that there are several main features of the behavior that significantly predict behavior and are genetically determined. Subsequently, there have been numerous scientific attempts to quantify the personality or temperament of the dog using statistical techniques to assess personality traits in humans. These studies often vary in terms of personality factors that focus, and spoke in terms of different categories along these dimensions. One study found that Doberman pinscher, compared with other races, age in joy amid the curiosity / courage, aggressiveness gradually socialization. Another study ranked Doberman pinscher low reactivity / surgence, and the high level of aggression / anger and the opening / training capacity.

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